Hair Transplant on Scar

Hair Transplant on Scar Tissue

Scarring alopecia is hair loss due to hair follicle destruction. Hair follicles can be damaged for many reasons, such as accidents, trauma, or incisions from previous surgeries. As damaged hair follicles do not grow back hair, hair transplant can be an option to cover the scar area. While transplanting on scar tissue have many challenges compared to transplanting normal tissues, it is still possible and effective to reach certain goals.

Depending on the scar types, the survival rate of the transplanted hair may differ. Different types of side effects may also occur depending on the condition of the scar. Hair transplant on scar tissues should be carefully examined and diagnosed before the surgery.

hair transplant on scar tissue before and after

Hair transplant on scar is
not recommended for scars from scalp disease,
but is recommended for those who have scar from

skin injuries - fue hair transplant

Skin injuries

burns - fue hair transplant


incisions from medical treatments - fue hair transplant

Incision / marks from medical treatments

Survival Rate for FUE on Scar

Scar tissues are usually thicker and harder than normal tissues and survival rate may be low. Depending on the tissue, survival rate may differ. Scars from surgery incisions are almost similar to normal tissues. However, hypertrophic scars and keloid scars form thick tissues and may lower the survival rate. For this case, Dr. Lee designs lower density to increase the survival rate.

Before and After

  • hair transplant on scar before and after 500 grafts, 4 months

    500grafts, 4months

  • hair transplant on scar before and after 1200 grafts, 1 year

    1,200grafts, 1year

  • hair transplant on scar before and after 350grafts, 1year

    350grafts, 1year

  • hair transplant on scar before and after 1000grafts, 1year

    1,000grafts, 1year

  • hair transplant on scar before and after 1400grafts, 10months

    1,400grafts, 10months

  • hair transplant on scar before and after 900grafts, 9months

    900grafts, 9months


  • Unless the scar formed from inflammatory disease, it is possible to have FUE hair transplant on old scar tissues.

  • Depending on the amount of hair transplanted surgery duration may differ. Surgery on scar tissue will take about the same as usual FUE hair transplant. If the area is not too big, it will take roughly 2-3 hours.